“Archaeology holds all the keys to understanding who we are and where we come from.”
– Sarah Parcak
Each week on To the Point, we share a few articles from the world of archaeology (and its many interconnected fields).
The Ethics of Remote Sensing in Archaeology
phys.org | July 22, 2021
Remote sensing is a wonderful tool for archaeologists use. It can also be extremely harmful in the wrong hands. As tools evolve, scientists’ responsibility to observed communities continues to grow.

How Archaeology Could Help Deal With A New, Old Enemy: Climate Change
forbes.com | July 23, 2021
Can the past help change our future? As we face a new reality thanks to man-made climate change, archaeology offers us a glimmer of hope.
nbcnews.com | July 21, 2021
Barley, flax, and pale persicaria: a meal fit for a human sacrifice. New and improved archaeological techniques and instruments have revealed the infamous Tollund Man didn’t die as a criminal, but as a human sacrifice.